The Political Economy of European Integration

(Spring 2012)

Prof. Rosella Nicolini





1. Geography & History of European Union (EU) (slides).
2. Institutions and budget: EU laws and legitimacy in EU decision making.
3. Basic macroeconomics tools: open economics, tariffs and import protections. Case study: The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
(slides I ) (slides II)
4. State aid: competition, mergers and antitrust policies. Case study: Microsoft.
5. Growth effects and factor market integration
6. The effects of integration: labor integration
(slides I)(slides II)
7. Labor productivity: Europe vs. US
8. European migration flows 1950-2000
9. European imbalances: core-periphery structure. The EU regional policies
10. The spatial distribution of activities across the European Union
11. Regional imbalances and convergence process
12. The effects of integration: capital integration
13. Monetary integration: history, choice of an exchange regime
14. The European Monetary System


Problem sets :

Problem set 1 (due on February 6th 2012) Data

Problem set 2 (due on February 29th 2012)

Problem set 3 (due on March 26th 2012)


Other material

EU Commission Documents

Daly, M. (2006): “EU Social Policy after Lisbon”, Journal of Common Market Studies, vol.44(3), pp.461-481,

Bruegel (2008): “Coming of age: report on the Euro Area”,

ECB (2004): “The monetary policy of the ECB

Paul Krugman: Nobel Lecture 2008 (Copyright©The Nobel Fundation 2008)


Press Coverage

" Can Europe Be Saved ?" by P. Krugman (The New York Times, Jan 12th 2011)

Report: scheme



Last Update: December 04th 2011.